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Skärgårdshotellet in Nynäshamn
– a dream location in the southern archipelago of Stockholm.


Hotel rooms

When you stay at Skärgårdshotellet you will not get a room number, you will get a mooring. Navigate your way through the hotel using our hand-painted nautical charts that adorn the walls. We offer 70 hotel rooms.



Take a break from the buzzling city life in our calming seaside location, just 40 minutes away from Stockholms Centralstation. We offer six conference facilities in varying sizes, for small meetings and larger conferences.



Let us help you with making your celebration to a memorable experience. Gather to a memorial after the funeral to share memories with each other, celebrate the family’s new baby with a naming party or celebrate your wedding at Skärgårdshotellet. You are in safe hands.

Fisherman Westman at Skärgårdshotellet

Our fisherman Westman welcomes you from his place in our lobby.
Skärgårdshotellet is a dream location in the southern archipelago of Stockholm.

Special offers